Sunday, November 11, 2012

The Anxiety of the Wait

          Not knowing is so hard.  The new Haitian adoption laws were supposed to go into effect on October 31st.  We haven’t heard anything, not a word.  I expected to hear something several days ago, one way or another.  We don’t know if Haiti is accepting new dossiers again or if everything is still on hold.  All we know for sure is that our dossier still hasn’t been submitted.  
          The anticipation and anxiety caused by no information is unreal.  The only thing I can compare it to is that split second when you take your eyes off your kids, and then you can’t find them for a moment.  It’s not quite panic yet, because you know they couldn’t have gone far, but you just need to lay your eyes on them.  Or, it’s like when you’re waiting to find out those test results.  Good or bad, you just need to know so you can deal with it.  Or, when you’re trying to get pregnant, but it’s too early to take the test.  The days can’t go by fast enough.  You just want to know so you can deal with it, good or bad.  Well, the anxiety has been killing me lately, but once again, God has stepped up and taken over in His perfect timing.  God has promised me that there is NOTHING that He and I can’t handle together, and I trust those words more now than ever before. 
          It’s Adoption Awareness Month.  I thought we had dodged a bullet at church when it wasn’t mentioned last Sunday.  Selfishly, I prayed that we would not have to endure any of those heart wrenching videos with picture after picture of dirty, hungry orphans waiting to be adopted.  I envisioned myself becoming emotional, like usual, but this time the entire church would be looking at me because they know that we are in the process.  I’m on edge anyway, and something like that could easily push me over.   I felt safe once again this morning when we began to recognize our veterans.  I figured we probably wouldn’t take the time to honor veterans and show an orphan video.  Then it happened.  I heard the words, “Adoption Awareness Month”, and my heart sank.  I thought, “I can’t watch this video.  How am I going to get out of here?”  Bro. Mark started talking about adoption and his family, and he recognized all the families in our church that have been touched by adoption.  Then, he reminded us that we have all been adopted into God’s family.  By this time, I was flooded with emotion as I waited for that video.  Then, Bro. Mark asked us to come down front.  Seriously, my only thought was, that’s better than a video.  I cannot express in words what it felt like to have Godly people lay their hands on us and pray at the altar specifically for our family.  I felt God’s presence in a way that I never thought possible.  The moment the prayer ended, and we stood up, it felt like ten thousand pounds were lifted off of my chest. All of the anxiety and anticipation vanished, and the relief was unexplainable.  I’m even ready for that video now.  Amazing.
          Even in the wait, when everything else is still, God continues to reveal Himself in His perfect timing.  God never said it would be easy, He just said it would be worth it.  Thank you my Lord for allowing me the opportunity to see your purpose so clearly.  Had I not been so overwhelmed, I could not have experienced your power to make things so clear and perfect again.  How awesome is HE!