Monday, March 4, 2013

The Black Hole

     We've entered what so many in the Haitian adoption community call the "Black Hole", short for IBESR.  I have never been more excited to enter such a place in all my life. In the past, this step in the process has taken months and months.  Before all the changes, we would have been given our referral (specific information about our child) before submitting our paperwork to IBESR.  We're about to find out how well the new policies and procedures are working, and whether or not this black hole has gotten smaller.  I pray to God it has!
     Today, the Haitian director from our agency is on her way to Haiti to get her hands on our little one.  I am so restless thinking about the fact that our child could be in her arms this very moment.  All I can think of is "just hug him/her tight".  I wonder what she's saying.  Will she tell him/her that we're coming?  I have prayed and prayed and prayed that our director has and will continue to seek God's will as she seals the deal on our match.  After we get approval from IBESR, our dossier will be sent to the orphanage requested by our agency.  Then the orphanage director will send our dossier back to IBESR along with the dossier of the child we're match with, and IBESR will have to approve the match.  Once that happens, we can be given our referral information.  
    The fact that we have been matched with a child changes everything.  It's hard to explain.  I don't have a name and an age, but I have a picture in my mind.  We don't have to wonder if our baby has been born yet.  Our little angle is across the ocean and my heart aches like you can't even imagine.  I know it's only the beginning, so Lord God please make this swift. 
     My Lord, you are so powerful and mighty, and it's going to take a miracle.  I am asking you, Lord, to intervene and move this mountain.  Before our last basketball game, we talked about Matthew 17:20 and having faith the size of a mustard seed.  That mustard seed that starts off as the smallest of all seeds, but grows to a towering tree with many branches.  Oh, Lord, to have the faith of that mustard seed. Your hands have been all over this from the start.  Thank you.  God, please put your hands around all of our children, your children.  Thank you God, for blessing our family beyond measure and putting us in this position.  May your will be done just as you have planned.  Amen.